The Impact of an environmental education program on developing environmental sensitivity of pupils

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Jan Činčera


The article presents an evaluation research of the program “Forest is a friend of a man”. The program applies a flow learning model invented by Joseph Cornell and aims on developing an environmental sensitivity of children. Pupils obtained the same questionnaire immediately before and then 1-3 weeks after the program and were asked to notice visual, oral and tactile perception they remember from their last visit of a forest. All the notices were coded and categorized. In the analyses, numbers of various sensual perceptions before and after the program were compared.
The evaluation revealed that the number of sensual perceptions after the program increased for the group of 1st stage pupils; girls were more influenced than boys. The effect on boys and older pupils was not significant. The program probably increases environmental sensitivity but only for the mentioned groups of participants.


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Činčera, J. (2012). The Impact of an environmental education program on developing environmental sensitivity of pupils. Envigogika, 7(2).
Reviewed Papers
Author Biography

Jan Činčera

PhDr. Jan Činčera, Ph.D.

Autor vyučuje environmentální výchovu a prožitkovou pedagogiku na Technické univerzitě v Liberci. Jako evaluátor programů dále spolupracuje se středisky ekologické výchovy a organizacemi zabývajícími se globálním rozvojovým vzděláváním. profesní zaměření: environmentální výchova, vzdělávání pro udržitelný rozvoj, výchova o Zemi, evaluace programů, pedagogika volného času, informační věda


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