‘We’ll be with SD tomorrow, too’: The evaluation of an Ecocenter Podhoubi programme

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Jan Činčera
Adéla Fleková
Jan Kopecký


This article presents results of evaluation research of one year-long programme for 8-11 years old pupils provided by the Ecocenter Podhoubi. Evaluation applied a mixed-design based on experimental/control pre-test/post-test comparison, analysis of focus groups and non-structured observation. According to the research, the programme well develops selected pupils’ action competencies and in the same time increases belief in their self-efficacy in dealing with them. Pupils interpret the program as both enjoying and meaningful and give examples of its impact on their own knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.


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Činčera, J., Fleková, A., & Kopecký, J. (2011). ‘We’ll be with SD tomorrow, too’: The evaluation of an Ecocenter Podhoubi programme. Envigogika, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.62
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