Environmental mining limits in the North Bohemian Lignite Region

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Andrew George Barton


Book review: Říha, M., Stoklasa, J., Lafarová, M., Dejmal, I., Marek, J., Pakosta, P., Beránek, K. Environmental mining limits in the North Bohemian Lignite Region. Společnost pro krajinu, Praha 2005. Translation: Petr Kurfürst.

This book review looks at the issue of mining limits in the region of North-West Bohemia in the Czech Republic and briefly summarises from the content of the book originally published in 2005 (in Czech, but later translated into English) supplemented with the most up-to-date information on the current situation.


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How to Cite
Barton, A. G. (2013). Environmental mining limits in the North Bohemian Lignite Region. Envigogika, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.418


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