Acceptance of Selected Returning Birds and Mammals through the Eyes of Secondary School Students
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The presented study discusses the phenomenon of acceptance of returning higher vertebrate species to the Czech countryside, both from the perspective of grammar school students, who can further study the environmental protection and facilitate the return of some vertebrates, and students of secondary forestry schools, expected to engage in hunting care in the future. The attitude of students and young people, in general, is very important for the acceptance of the discussed species, as not only the politicians and publicists have the right to influence the general public, but rather the specialists educated in the field should participate in the decision-making process affecting the future of these animals.
Overall, the work develops a hypothesis that people may have misconceptions about the return of some vertebrates as, rather than focusing on general facts, they are influenced by frequently hyped points, such as the fear and concern of aggrieved farmers, the overpopulating of some species and the infectious diseases that some animals may transmit.
A questionnaire was designed and circulated to obtain the required data. For general simplification, only three options were presented in the questionnaire, either positive, negative, or neutral attitude as further structuring could compromise the clarity of the results.
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