The nature of indicators for sustainable development and education for sustainable development on the international level

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Svatava Janoušková
Tomáš Hák
Jan Maršák
Lenka Pachmanová


The main issue of the paper is to show how the educational aspects of the sustainable development concept or various aspects of education for sustainable development are monitored and evaluated on the international level. Based on a content analysis of selected documents related to the above concepts, as well as on the analysis of the indicator sets that these documents follow, the authors state that the indicators that monitor and evaluate progress in sustainable development and education are mostly procedural and quantitative ones. The authors emphasize that the concept of sustainable development is strongly value and attitude oriented, and changes in values and attitudes are, inter alia, affected by different types of education. Thus they suggest widening the existing indicator sets (related to sustainable development strategies, as well as to strategies of education for sustainable development), and adding changes in human values and attitudes to the indicators for monitoring and evaluating.


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Janoušková, S., Hák, T., Maršák, J., & Pachmanová, L. (2010). The nature of indicators for sustainable development and education for sustainable development on the international level. Envigogika, 5(3).
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