What can work in climatic campaigns: Review of information-based and framing approaches

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Jan Urban
Tomáš Chabada
Jan Skalík


The aim of this paper is to provide the review of recently tested interventions that seek to change beliefs, attitudes and behaviors related to global climate change (GCC). The two major approaches, information-based interventions and framing interventions, are presented and discussed. Information-based interventions differ in the underlying models of attitude change, and also in the types of information they use to drive the attitude and behavior change. Interventions focusing on the communication of scientific consensus about the GCC and interventions providing information about the mechanism of GCC are capable to positively influence attitudes to GCC without having polarization effect. Framing interventions emphasize certain dimensions of an issue so that they interact with pre-existing schemata, values, and mental models, which people hold. Gain frames describing the gains that will occur from GCC mitigation are capable to increase concern about GCC as well as positive attitudes towards GCC mitigation.


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Urban, J., Chabada, T., & Skalík, J. (2018). What can work in climatic campaigns: Review of information-based and framing approaches. Envigogika, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.563
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