Inventory and Analysis of Didactic Contents of Cultivation Work Textbooks at Lower Secondary Schools
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The article describes the didactic equipment of the currently used textbooks of cultivation work at lower secondary schools. Through cultivation work, environmentalist elements are implemented in the teaching. A total of 12 textbooks were included in the research survey based on an investigative questionnaire probe. The results point to the fact that in many schools, textbooks that are several decades old or titles originally published for another level of school are used to teach cultivation work.
The results show that in terms of didactic equipment there are differences between older titles and textbooks published since 1997. Textbooks with the best contents are those published by Fortuna publishing house (Kociánová, 1997; Dytrtová, 2003) and a SPN [State Pedagogical Publishing House] publication (Milec et al., 1981), the only title showing values comparable with newer textbooks. The lowest didactic content has been determined for a SPN publication (Strumhaus, 1962), the oldest title compared. Overall, the lowest average representation of individual elements is attributable to the apparatus of use of pictorial components.
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