Příroda 3.0 nebo 1.0 návraty? Aneb EDO Olomouc 2018 radikálně přehodnocuje úhel pohledu (a my s ním)

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Jana Dlouhá


Nature is a system of interdependent relationships. Relationships have to be renewed; interactions are essence, form is phenomenal expression. The possibility of relationships arises from difference, the distinction between the phenomena and the entities (their manifestations) that either bridge or, on the contrary, underscore these differences so that they can appear.


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How to Cite
Dlouhá, J. (2018). Příroda 3.0 nebo 1.0 návraty? Aneb EDO Olomouc 2018 radikálně přehodnocuje úhel pohledu (a my s ním). Envigogika, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.572
Author Biography

Jana Dlouhá, Charles University Environment Center

Researcher in Charles University Environment Centre; co-founder of the Enviwiki knowledge base; vice-president of international network of higher education institutions Copernicus Alliance. Concerned with transformative education and educational transformation in the light of sustainable development; interests span from digital media, open education resources, to social learning and participatory approaches in public dialogue.