The Ethics of Persona
Main Article Content
In the text entitled "The Ethics of Persona" are successively opened following questions: What is the basis of ethics? What constitutes the humanity of man? How have views of human nature in history changed? What has the discovery of the subject-object approach to the world meant? Why do we now talk about the need for a new ethics? After emphasizing the role of communication in the human being, a consequence of the difference of social or individual bases of human existence is shown. Also depicted is the gradual discovery of the personal dimension of man and the tension, which can be expressed following Levinas's formulation, as a question: nominative, or accusative? Referring to the prioritisation of accusative "selves" before the nominative "Ego" leads to the prioritisation of responsibility and care as the (existential) significant ethical basis for the meaningful development of man and the world.
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