Focus and Scope

Envigogika is an academic online journal focused on environmental education, education for sustainable development and other related areas. Its objective is to strengthen the theoretical foundations of these disciplines through discussion and contribute to innovations in teaching practice. In addition to a pedagogical and philosophical disciplinary focus, the journal covers a wider variety of interdisciplinary themes. These include the social aspects of the sustainability transition and related changes in awareness, lifestyle and behaviour.

Peer Review Process

Each submission intended for publication in the Reviewed Papers section has to undergo an expert review. Normally, the process includes reviews by two reviewers; the editorial office, however, reserves the right to request the opinions of additional reviewers (regarding the multidisciplinary views, and other professional and linguistic qualities of submissions) in order to produce all the relevant information for the review report. The review procedure is a necessary precondition for publishing a submission in the section 'Reviewed Papers' where original scientific papers or summary papers are published; 'Methodologies', and 'Case studies'.

Original papers that present new findings, but are intended for other sections of the journal may also be subject to the review procedure. Under normal circumstances, articles intended for other sections than 'Reviewed Papers' (i.e. 'Inspirations', 'Reviews', 'Information', and 'Letters and Opinions') do not, however, typically go through the review process.

More details about the Review Process can be found on Review Proces page.

Publication Frequency

Journal items (articles) are published as a part of an issue with its own Table of Contents. Before completing the issue individual items can be published as soon as they have passed the review process, and then aded to the current volume's Table of Contents.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Charles University
Ovocný trh 3
116 36 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Publishing schedule

There are at least two editions per year of the journal, depending on the quantity and quality of manuscripts received

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

(based on Elsevier recommendations and COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors)

Envigogika is committed to ensuring ethics in the publication process and quality of articles. 
Conformance to standards of ethical behavior is therefore expected of all parties involved: Authors, Editors, Reviewers, and the Publisher.

In particular, 

Editors: Editors care about the journal, strive to improve its content; they support publication process and continuously build the community of authors, reviewers, and readers. They ensure that the dialogue developed within the framework of the journal is fair, open for criticism and self-criticism, polite and based on the freedom of expression.

Editors work with the submitted texts and are committed to continuously upgrade their quality and ensure academic integrity. They select reviewers and take the appropriate measures so that the manuscripts are evaluated exclusively on the basis of their academic qualities. In relation to the authors an editor guarantee that any of the unpublished information will not be used or passed to the third parties without the written author's consent. Editors should always respond to the raised questions, complaints and clarify their standpoints; they are willing to apologize if needed. Reasonable responsive measures are taken by them in case that ethical issues have been raised concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper.

Authors: Authors should present original results of their research work in sufficient detail; they should correctly cite their sources of information so that the others can replicate applied methods and procedures. They should preclude business needs from compromising intellectual standards. Review articles should be comprehensive and accurate, with balanced argumentation; entailing critical approach and different viewpoints. Any kind of plagiarism as well as knowingly inaccurate statements constitute an unethical behavior and are absolutely unacceptable. The authors should ensure that their work is entirely original, and if the words of others have been used, this has been appropriately acknowledged. Also submitting the same manuscript, or essentially the same research to more than one journal concurrently will be considered as unethical with relevant consequences. The corresponding author should ensure that there is a full consensus of all co-authors in approving the final version of the paper and its submission for publication.

Reviewers: Before considering paper for review, reviewers should be sure that there are no conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers. Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviews should be conducted objectively, and observations should be formulated clearly with supporting arguments, so that authors can use them for improving the paper. Peer reviewers’ identities are protected but this does not liberate him/her from the responsibility towards the author and quality of the reviewed texts. Reviewers should also be prepared to consider author’s response to the issues raised in the review. Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.

Publisher role is to help the journal to be part of national and international academic environment. At the same time publisher guarantees its quality, takes appropriate measures in relation to the editor and conveys supportive actions within the academic environment.

Journal History

The journal has been published by Charles University  – since 2006. The publishing periodicity is at least two times a year and depends also on the number and quality of contributions received. From 2013, there are also issues published fully in English.

From summer 2013 the journal was moved to OJS platform.