Application of Field Trip in Education and Environmental Education on Slovak Elementary Schools

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Viera Chrenščová


Environmental education is a process of lifelong education and training to care for the environment. Effective implementation of environmental education can be a good tool for development of personal qualities of schoolchildren, that make them able competent to protect and improve the environment. Education is based mainly on personal experience. It is the reason why in learning process an appropriate form of education should be used. Field trips can help to stimulate the interest and the involvement of pupils on the environment. The case of this study is to explain how the field trips in environmental education on Slovak elementary schools are used. For this purpose the questionnaire survey was conducted. The aim was to investigate how teachers see the opportunity of field trips in education with an accent on environmental education. Research has brought positive results concerning the use of field trips in education and in the implementation of environmental education.


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How to Cite
Chrenščová, V. (2012). Application of Field Trip in Education and Environmental Education on Slovak Elementary Schools. Envigogika, 7(1).
Reviewed Papers
Author Biography

Viera Chrenščová

RNDr. Viera Chrenščová, PhD., Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Katedra krajinnej ekológie, Mlynská dolina, 842 15 Bratislava


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