Natural world of unnatural phenomenology and a constructed world of naturalistic philosophy

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David Rybák


The invention of Cartesian methodological approach has revolutionized science. But regardless of his undeniable achievements, this approach has also its limitations. In order to show some of these limitations, we take as a starting point Husserl’s discussion with John Locke’s naturalism and naturalistic concept of the world and man. The second part of our article will deal with Husserl’s discussion with a new science, i.e., ethnology, as developed by Lévi-Bruhl. Husserl saw in ethnology potential for developing a new kind of knowledge about man that would go beyond the boundaries of (natural) science that reduces man to a mere object in the world.


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How to Cite
Rybák, D. (2019). Natural world of unnatural phenomenology and a constructed world of naturalistic philosophy. Envigogika, 14(1).
Reviewed Papers


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