The need for aptitude tests not only in artistic fields of study
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This text seeks to answer the difficult question of professional qualifications required to practice as a teacher of natural sciences, biology in particular. The alienation of humanity from nature which increases as the 21st century continues creates the conditions for undesirable and unfounded phobias related to “traditional” animals such as snakes, mice, bats and spiders, of course. Fears of these animals are steadily increasing. The object of fear or resistance includes animals such as lizards, frogs, earthworms, snails, caterpillars, even cats and dogs. The main reason for zoophobia is insufficient knowledge: the current verbal-theoretical concept of teaching biology (at least in Slovakia) is reflected in a very limited knowledge of living organisms among the majority of the current generation of students. It is unfortunately common that students embarking on their studies to train as biology teachers fear frogs, snails, earthworms, not to mention phobias of snakes and spiders. It is questionable whether it is appropriate for such a person to go on to teach biology. We should therefore seriously consider the necessity of aptitude tests for future biology teachers; this would help “filter out” those who, due to an insurmountable aversion to some of animals are not suitable to practice as biology teachers.
Article Details
Franc, V. (2014). O „stredovekej“ zoológii v 21. storočí. Bulletin Slovenskej zoologickej spoloč¬nosti (Zvolen) 2/2014: 1-5.
Katrenčíková, D. (2016). Zoofóbie – nežiaduci, no rozšírený fenomén v živote moderného človeka 21. storočia. [Bakalárska práca.] Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, Banská Bystrica, 43 pp.