Application of the naturalistic fallacy test of G.E. Moore on the concept of biocentric ethics of A. Schweitzer and P.W. Taylor

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Bohuslav Binka
Jan Labohý


Some philosophers have always wanted to move forward in our understanding of the moral world through a precise definition of good and bad. But (according to G.E. Moore) it must either end in a vicious circle or a so-called naturalistic fallacy. The basic question of this article is: Does Moore's naturalistic fallacy also appear in our chosen representatives of environmental ethics philosophy? Analysis of two concepts of biocentric environmental ethics – Schweitzer’s "teaching respect for life" and Taylor's "Kantian biocentrism" - showed that while Schweitzer’s concept is starting to break with Moore's Law, Taylor's concept is affected only marginally by naturalistic fallacy and to a much lesser extent . This finding is important both for supporters of Moore's concept based on naturalistic fallacy, and for environmental thinkers, can help accurately distinguish a biocentric anthropocentric approach and also derive conclusions relevant to the practice.


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How to Cite
Binka, B., & Labohý, J. (2010). Application of the naturalistic fallacy test of G.E. Moore on the concept of biocentric ethics of A. Schweitzer and P.W. Taylor. Envigogika, 5(2).
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