Intergenerational differences in personal relationship to nature

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Markéta Vacínová
Tomáš Matějček


This paper summarizes the results of research undertaken on pupils in the 8th and 9th grade of elementary school (or the corresponding grades of grammar schools) and their parents on selected aspects of their personal relationship to nature. The research was conducted through a questionnaire survey which was completed by 222 respondents, of whom half were pupils, the other half their parents. Our research showed that there are specific differences in personal relationships to nature between the students and their parents. Respondent groups differed most in their feeling the need to be in the countryside, while students practiced mainly "modern” activities in the countryside, while their parents practiced more "classic"or "traditional" pursuits. 


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Vacínová, M., & Matějček, T. (2013). Intergenerational differences in personal relationship to nature. Envigogika, 8(2).
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Author Biographies

Markéta Vacínová

Mgr. Markéta Vacínová
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science in Prague, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2

Tomáš Matějček

RNDr. Tomáš Matějček, Ph.D.

1) Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science in Prague, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2

2) Department of Geography, Faculty of Science UJEP in v Ústí nad Labem, České mládeže 8, 400 96 Ústí nad Labem 


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