Přemysl Pitter - the beginnings of Czech environmental education and ecotheology

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Sandra Silná


Přemysl Pitter is an important figure in Czechoslovak history, a man who was able to cross borders between people, nationalities and churches with his enthusiasm and tireless long-term work. An ecumenical preacher, a humanist, a pacifist, a man who, like Sir Nicholas Winton, was involved in the rescue of children - orphans, regardless of their nationalities, during the war and post-war years. As Pitter himself said, he gave his life to the service of God, especially in the small-est - children. But it wasn't just children, Přemysl Pitter was also an important promoter of the issue of human access to animals, today we would say "animal rights", he advocated for the "rights of minors" through his activities. The article points out on the ecologically tuned part of Pitter's work. However, this part of Pitter's work remains poorly mapped to this day. In the character of Přemysl Pitter, we find an inspiring teacher who strove for the transformation of a person, humanity, in the sense of responsible freedom, understanding between people, an environmentally favourable life-style, and he tried to convey all this in his lectures for the public, but also when raising children - war orphans. That is also why, from today's point of view, we could call Pitter an environmentalist and environmental educator. Today, a century removed from the beginning of Pitter's work, in the context of changing moods in society, in the vicinity of war conflicts and with visible manifestations of climate change, we see that his demands for the transformation of society and the education of a new generation are still relevant, perhaps more relevant than ever earlier and that we can return to many of his ideas.


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How to Cite
Silná, S. (2023). Přemysl Pitter - the beginnings of Czech environmental education and ecotheology. Envigogika, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.650
Reviewed Papers


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