The Educational Contribution of Zoo’s: Ethical Reflection

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Marie Hrdá


One of the zoo’s primary goals is education and training in ecology and conservation. This contribution to changing the human approach to nature and halting the extinction of species, which should somehow legitimize the keeping of wild animals in captivity, is being challenged. Research can show the reality of educational benefits. The text deals with the results of research on the educational benefits of zoos and their analyses. It is assumed that a visit of the zoo should contribute to pro-environmental sentiment, conservation ethos, attitudes and behaviours, biodiversity literacy and more. However, conclusions from the research are so far at least ambiguous. The aim of this paper is to point out, in the context of this latest research, other relevant factors that may influence people's attitudes and the potential educational benefits of zoos in other areas.


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Hrdá, M. (2021). The Educational Contribution of Zoo’s: Ethical Reflection. Envigogika, 16(1).
Reviewed Papers


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