Eco-literacy – one of the preconditions of developing new trends in economic thinking in sign of sustainability

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Eva Pechočiaková Svitačová
Tomáš Pechočiak


Among the steps leading to transformation of economic theory and then to the transformation of economy into sustainable one, belongs the development of new trends in economic thinking as well as new initiatives in economy in sustainable direction. Eco-literacy subjects are part of its foundation and development. The study reveals the theoretical framework for eco-efficiency and emphasizes its importance for sustainability and the development of new trends in economic thinking and economic initiatives in the sign of sustainability. Eco-literacy is presented as a new vision of reality but also as the attribute or competence that is based on understanding the real value of natural entities and environment. It presumes a conscious effort of subjects in economy to minimize negative effects accompanying the development in economy, nature and environment. Regarding the preparation of future experts in the field of economics, eco-literacy is emphasized as an important tool in education for sustainable development. The development of new trends in economic thinking and initiatives in the sign of sustainability is also realized thanks to eco-literacy subjects, and so education focused on eco-literacy is emphasized especially in those educational institutions that prepare experts for the economic sphere.


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How to Cite
Pechočiaková Svitačová, E., & Pechočiak, T. (2020). Eco-literacy – one of the preconditions of developing new trends in economic thinking in sign of sustainability. Envigogika, 15(1).
Reviewed Papers
Author Biographies

Eva Pechočiaková Svitačová, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Department of Social Science, Faculty of economics and management,

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra


Tomáš Pechočiak, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

PaedDr. Tomáš Pechočiak, PhD.

Department of mathematics, Faculty of economics and management,

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra



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