Philosophy of Ecology as a Specific and Direct Method of Ecological and Humanistic Research and Management

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Lubov Vladyková


The philosophy of ecology is an intersectional, multi-discursive foundation, which covers a vast area characterised by an extensive research agenda, connecting a number of established scientific disciplines. It is our aim to highlight the interdisciplinary character of the problem under discussion, as well as the fact that different conceptions of the philosophy of ecology would be hard to sustain and hard to respect if they did not respond to the findings of latest research, be it in the field of ecology or in the field of philosophy. In order to be able to envisage a future for the Earth that would be sustainable in the long term, we need knowledge and we need to internalise a method for evaluating information, which would enable us to discard irrelevant information in times of critical change.


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Vladyková, L. (2015). Philosophy of Ecology as a Specific and Direct Method of Ecological and Humanistic Research and Management. Envigogika, 10(4).
Reviewed Papers
Author Biography

Lubov Vladyková

Vedúca Katedry aplikovanej etiky, FF UPJS Košice, SR


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