Theoretical and methodological reflection of a case study on the Deblínsko landscape project
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The case study is based primarily on long-standing collaboration of two public sector institutions: the MU in Brno and the Deblín Primary School and Kindergarten, with cooperation of experts in numerous other institutions. The MU in Brno and the Deblín Primary School and Kindergarten focus on research, teaching and, above all, practical applications of sustainability/security. The objective of the study is to revise the theoretical and methodological frameworks influencing approaches to teaching sustainability in primary education and, through it, to open a discussion of civic society topics and formation starting at the level of children/pupils/students. The vehicle for achieving the objective is a thorough critical view of the “Deblínsko landscape project”. The authors’ experience concerns development of dialogue between the world of science and its applications and needs of those on whom its consequences impact. They are collected as part of activities aimed primarily at intensive field and project teaching, which reflects the sustainability discourse in the primary, secondary and tertiary education practice and is also connected with establishment of international collaboration. The focus of the field work is based on the understanding of each of the institutions as regional education centres (Deblín Primary School and Kindergarten = community centre), focused on solving issues of sustainability, involving owners, users, decision-makers, shareholders and stakeholders within public territorial administration, represented by means of goals and measures of regional development schemes along with micro-regional development programmes and local action group (LAG) activities.
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