Which is more important in landscape: biodiversity or aesthetics?

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Mojmír Vlašín


When considering values such as aesthetics and biodiversity we must first define the point of view from which we want to compare these phenomena. If we take the biocentric worldview (A. Schweitzer, A. Ness, J. Lovelock), then the question referred to in the title is meaningless. It is obvious that life, nature and biodiversity has an intrinsic value and aesthetics is beyond consideration. If we take the anthropocentric worldview - landscape can be seen as a living space for humans and, therefore, as (1) a source of food, (2) a source of biomass and mineral extraction, (3) a place to live, or (4) a place for recreation. It is then possible to ask the question what we expect from the landscape, and which functions should be carried out first. Once the answer is provided, then it is necessary to analyze to what degree the significance of aesthetics (beauty) and/or biodiversity (diversity of nature) has for landscape.


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How to Cite
Vlašín, M. (2014). Which is more important in landscape: biodiversity or aesthetics?. Envigogika, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.450
Author Biography

Mojmír Vlašín

Autor je pracovník Ekoporadny Veronica.


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