Some of the pitfalls of evolutionary ontology

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Peter Sabo
Ľudmila Sabová


The authors´ response to Zdenka Petáková’s review of a book written by Prof. Šmajs does not refer to this new book directly. However, it reflects upon the concept of evolutionary ontology, which is also known from the Slovak translation of his book “Endangered Culture“ and “Declaration of Dependence” formulated from it that calls for a “new understanding of the nature- culture relationship”. The fascination  in the  complexity of living systems expressed by Šmajs is shared by the authors, as well as the fact that not much time is left for finding solutions to a range of global challenges. On the other hand, they see some problematic assertions in the concept itself and also the risks associated with them. They make several comments, especially concerning complexity, protection of nature in relation to culture, and the importance of authentic experience and human responsibility, with the aim of stressing the need to formulate a new vision of human relations to nature, and a new ethos with reference to the best of what society has created.


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How to Cite
Sabo, P., & Sabová, Ľudmila. (2013). Some of the pitfalls of evolutionary ontology. Envigogika, 8(3).
Reviewed Papers
Author Biographies

Peter Sabo

Environmental Department
Faculty of natural sciences
Matej Bel University

Ľudmila Sabová

Občianske združenie Živá planéta
Banská Bystrica,


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