Účel vzdělávání: Australský a slovinský pohled na vzdělávání k udržitelnému rozvoji

Obsah hlavního článku

Phil Smith
Majda Naji


Jasné vymezení účelu vzdělávání napomáhá dobrým rozhodnutím ohledně kurikula, politiky, infrastruktury i financování. Autoři tohoto článku navrhují, že udržitelnost musí být hlavním principem účelu vzdělávání v 21. století a představují dva příklady ze škol ve Slovinsku a v Austrálii.


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Podrobnosti článku

Jak citovat
Smith, P., & Naji, M. (2013). Účel vzdělávání: Australský a slovinský pohled na vzdělávání k udržitelnému rozvoji. Envigogika, 8(4). https://doi.org/10.14712/18023061.407
Biografie autora

Phil Smith

writer, walker, cross-country skier
Director, KnowHands Education Consultancy
NSW Facilitator, HotRock
Lecturer, University of Western Sydney
Immediate Past President, Australian Association for Environmental Education

Phil has had fun working in environmental education and advocacy for over 30 years – in schools, universities, government agencies and communities. His local, national and international experience includes community campaigning, professional development in sustainability education for teachers and lecturers, strategic program development, evaluation, writing and facilitation.

Majda Naji

Dr Majda Naji is currently working as Assistant Research for ESD and Global Education at International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) in Celje, Slovenia. She is founder of Journal Developing Global Dimension in the Curriculum at National Education Institute Slovenia (NEIS). Majda Naji was a member of Comenius projects SEED, SUPPORT and CoDeS, member of National group for Global Education, Slovenian representative in UNECE and national coordinator for ENSI.


• ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2011). The Australian Curriculum, www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/CrossCurriculumPriorities

• Barber, M. (2009), The impossible and the necessary: challenges for educators. Are you ready for this? Melbourne: CSE.

• Barnes, J. (2008). Cross-Curricular Learning. London: Sage Publication.

• Burk, A., (2011) TED Conversations http://www.ted.com/conversations/7491/in_your_opinion_what_should_t.html

• Engadine High School, A World Worth Living In, www.ehs.nsw.edu.au/en/curriculum/a-world-worth-living-in

• EU Council (2002). Detailed work programme on the follow-up of the objectives of education and training systems in Europe (ET 2010). Official Journal C 142/01 of 14.06.2002.

• EU Council (2009).Conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020). Official Journal C 119 of 28.5.2009.

• FNBE - Finnish National Board of Education (2004). National Core Curriculum. Helsinki: FNBE.

• Hicks, D., Holden, C. (2007). Teaching the Global Dimension. Oxord, UK: Routledge.

• HotRock www.thehotrock.org.au

• Jensen, D. (2012) Loaded Words. Orion Magazine. March/April 2012, http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/6698

• Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport (2007). Smernice vzgoje in izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj od predšolske vzgoje do douniverzitetnega izobraževanja. Republika Slovenija. July 2007.

• Naji, M. (2011). Slovenian Global School Model in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Competencies of Global Citizens. Helsinki: FNBE.

• Nielsen, T. (2013). Out from the cave: have we lost the purpose of education? http://theconversation.com/out-from-the-cave-have-we-lost-the-purpose-of-education-12374

• QCA - Qualification and Curriculum Authority (2007). Developing the Global Dimension in the Curriculum. London: QCA.

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