In awe and wonder

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Jiří Nečas


The author, in his address to the faithful recalls the text of chapter 17 of the Acts of the Apostles, in Paul's preaching in Athens. Paul is an experienced preacher and wants his listeners to convert to Christianity – based on their existing worldviews and original religious thinking. His method is ingenious, and is even in line with today's didactic techniques; the number of those who converted to Christ on this occasion, however, was relatively low. Some in fact may even consider this to be a preaching fiasco, but a religious way of thinking excludes consideration of the effectiveness of the prostelatization.


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How to Cite
Nečas, J. (2016). In awe and wonder. Envigogika, 11(2).
Author Biography

Jiří Nečas


RNDr. Jiří Nečas

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Zaměření (odbornost): vysokoškolský učitel matematiky, laický kazatel v Českobratrské církvi evangelické

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